(c) Capacity of the containment system relative to the number and volume of containers to be stored.
(d) Provisions for preventing or managing run-on.
(e) How accumulated liquids can be analyzed and removed to prevent overflow.
(2)For storage areas that store containers holding wastes that do not contain free liquids, a demonstration of compliance with s. NR 664.0175 (3), including all of the following:
(a) Test procedures and results or other documentation or information to show that the wastes do not contain free liquids.
(b) A description of how the storage area is designed or operated to drain and remove liquids or how containers are kept from contact with standing liquids.
(3)Sketches, drawings or data demonstrating compliance with s. NR 664.0176 (location of buffer zone and containers holding ignitable or reactive wastes) and s. NR 664.0177 (3) (location of incompatible wastes), where applicable.
(4)Where incompatible wastes are stored or otherwise managed in containers, a description of the procedures used to ensure compliance with ss. NR 664.0177 (1) and (2), and 664.0017 (2) and (3).
(5)Information on air emission control equipment as required in s. NR 670.027.
History: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 670.016Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for tank systems. Except as otherwise provided in s. NR 664.0190, owners and operators of facilities that use tanks to store or treat hazardous waste shall provide all of the following additional information:
(1)A written assessment that is reviewed and certified by a qualified professional engineer as to the structural integrity and suitability for handling hazardous waste of each tank system, as required under ss. NR 664.0191 and 664.0192.
(2)Dimensions and capacity of each tank.
(3)Description of feed systems, safety cutoff, bypass systems and pressure controls (e.g., vents).
(4)A diagram of piping, instrumentation and process flow for each tank system.
(5)A description of materials and equipment used to provide external corrosion protection, as required under s. NR 664.0192 (1) (c) 2.
(6)For new tank systems, a detailed description of how the tank systems will be installed in compliance with s. NR 664.0192 (2), (3), (4) and (5).
(7)Detailed plans and description of how the secondary containment system for each tank system is or will be designed, constructed and operated to meet s. NR 664.0193 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).
(8)Any of the following for tank systems for which an alternative to the requirements of s. NR 664.0193 is sought (as provided by s. NR 664.0193 (7)):
(a) Detailed plans and engineering and hydrogeologic reports, as appropriate, describing alternate design and operating practices that will, in conjunction with location aspects, prevent the migration of any hazardous waste or hazardous constituents into the groundwater or surface water during the life of the facility.
(b) A detailed assessment of the substantial present or potential hazards posed to human health or the environment should a release enter the environment.
(9)Description of controls and practices to prevent spills and overflows, as required under s. NR 664.0194 (2).
(10)For tank systems in which ignitable, reactive or incompatible wastes are to be stored or treated, a description of how operating procedures and tank system and facility design will achieve compliance with ss. NR 664.0198 and 664.0199.
(11)Information on air emission control equipment as required in s. NR 670.027.
History: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; CR 16-007: am. (1) Register July 2017 No. 739, eff. 8-1-17.
NR 670.017Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for surface impoundments. Except as otherwise provided in s. NR 664.0001, owners and operators of facilities that store, treat or dispose of hazardous waste in surface impoundments shall provide all of the following additional information:
(1)A list of the hazardous wastes placed or to be placed in each surface impoundment.
(2)Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the surface impoundment is designed and is or will be constructed, operated and maintained to meet ss. NR 664.0019, 664.0221, 664.0222 and 664.0223, addressing all of the following items:
(a) The liner system (except for an existing portion of a surface impoundment). If an exemption from the requirement for a liner is sought as provided by s. NR 664.0221 (2), submit detailed plans and engineering and hydrogeologic reports, as appropriate, describing alternate design and operating practices that will, in conjunction with location aspects, prevent the migration of any hazardous constituents into the groundwater or surface water at any future time.
(b) The double liner and leak (leachate) detection, collection and removal system, if the surface impoundment shall meet s. NR 664.0221 (3). If an exemption from the requirements for double liners and a leak detection, collection, and removal system or alternative design is sought as provided by s. NR 664.0221 (4), (5) or (6), submit appropriate information.
(c) If the leak detection system is located in a saturated zone, submit detailed plans and an engineering report explaining the leak detection system design and operation, and the location of the saturated zone in relation to the leak detection system.
(d) The construction quality assurance (CQA) plan if required under s. NR 664.0019.
(e) Proposed action leakage rate, with rationale, if required under s. NR 664.0222, and response action plan, if required under s. NR 664.0223.
(f) Prevention of overtopping.
(g) Structural integrity of dikes.
(3)A description of how each surface impoundment, including the double liner system, leak detection system, cover system and appurtenances for control of overtopping, will be inspected in order to meet s. NR 664.0226 (1), (2) and (4). This information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted under s. NR 670.014 (2) (e).
(4)A certification by a qualified engineer which attests to the structural integrity of each dike, as required under s. NR 664.0226 (3). For new units, the owner or operator shall submit a statement by a qualified engineer that the engineer will provide such a certification upon completion of construction according to the plans and specifications.
(5)A description of the procedure to be used for removing a surface impoundment from service, as required under s. NR 664.0227 (2) and (3). This information shall be included in the contingency plan submitted under s. NR 670.014 (2) (g).
(6)A description of how hazardous waste residues and contaminated materials will be removed from the unit at closure, as required under s. NR 664.0228 (1) (a). For any wastes not to be removed from the unit upon closure, the owner or operator shall submit detailed plans and an engineering report describing how s. NR 664.0228 (1) (b) and (2) will be complied with. This information shall be included in the closure plan and, where applicable, the long-term care plan submitted under s. NR 670.014 (2) (m).
(7)If ignitable or reactive wastes are to be placed in a surface impoundment, an explanation of how s. NR 664.0229 will be complied with.
(8)If incompatible wastes, or incompatible wastes and materials will be placed in a surface impoundment, an explanation of how s. NR 664.0230 will be complied with.
(9)A waste management plan for hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027 describing how the surface impoundment is or will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to meet s. NR 664.0231. This submission shall address all of the following items specified in s. NR 664.0231:
(a) The volume, physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes, including their potential to migrate through soil or to volatilize or escape into the atmosphere.
(b) The attenuative properties of underlying and surrounding soils or other materials.
(c) The mobilizing properties of other materials co-disposed with these wastes.
(d) The effectiveness of additional treatment, design or monitoring techniques.
(10)Information on air emission control equipment as required in s. NR 670.027.
History: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 670.018Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for waste piles. Except as otherwise provided in s. NR 664.0001, owners and operators of facilities that store or treat hazardous waste in waste piles shall provide all of the following additional information:
(1)A list of hazardous wastes placed or to be placed in each waste pile.
(2)If an exemption is sought to s. NR 664.0251 and subch. F of ch. NR 664 as provided by s. NR 664.0250 (3) or 664.0090, an explanation of how the standards of s. NR 664.0250 (3) will be complied with or detailed plans and an engineering report describing how s. NR 664.0090 (2) (b) will be met.
(3)Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the waste pile is designed and is or will be constructed, operated and maintained to meet ss. NR 664.0019, 664.0251, 664.0252 and 664.0253, addressing all of the following items:
1. The liner system (except for an existing portion of a waste pile), if the waste pile shall meet s. NR 664.0251 (1). If an exemption from the requirement for a liner is sought as provided by s. NR 664.0251 (2), submit detailed plans, and engineering and hydrogeological reports, as appropriate, describing alternate designs and operating practices that will, in conjunction with location aspects, prevent the migration of any hazardous constituents into the groundwater or surface water at any future time.
2. The double liner and leak (leachate) detection, collection and removal system, if the waste pile shall meet s. NR 664.0251 (3). If an exemption from the requirements for double liners and a leak detection, collection and removal system or alternative design is sought as provided by s. NR 664.0251 (4), (5) or (6), submit appropriate information.
3. If the leak detection system is located in a saturated zone, submit detailed plans and an engineering report explaining the leak detection system design and operation, and the location of the saturated zone in relation to the leak detection system.
4. The construction quality assurance (CQA) plan if required under s. NR 664.0019.
5. Proposed action leakage rate, with rationale, if required under s. NR 664.0252, and response action plan, if required under s. NR 664.0253.
(b) Control of run-on.
(c) Control of run-off.
(d) Management of collection and holding units associated with run-on and run-off control systems.
(e) Control of wind dispersal of particulate matter, where applicable.
(4)A description of how each waste pile, including the double liner system, leachate collection and removal system, leak detection system, cover system and appurtenances for control of run-on and run-off, will be inspected in order to meet s. NR 664.0254 (1), (2) and (3). This information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted under s. NR 670.014 (2) (e).
(5)If treatment is carried out on or in the pile, details of the process and equipment used, and the nature and quality of the residuals.
(6)If ignitable or reactive wastes are to be placed in a waste pile, an explanation of how s. NR 664.0256 will be complied with.
(7)If incompatible wastes, or incompatible wastes and materials will be place in a waste pile, an explanation of how s. NR 664.0257 will be complied with.
(8)A description of how hazardous waste residues and contaminated materials will be removed from the waste pile at closure, as required under s. NR 664.0258 (1). For any waste not to be removed from the waste pile upon closure, the owner or operator shall submit detailed plans and an engineering report describing how s. NR 664.0310 (1) and (2) will be complied with. This information shall be included in the closure plan and, where applicable, the long-term care plan submitted under s. NR 670.014 (2) (m).
(9)A waste management plan for hazardous waste numbers F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027 describing how a waste pile that is not enclosed (as defined in s. NR 664.0250 (3)) is or will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to meet s. NR 664.0259. This submission shall address all of the following items specified in s. NR 664.0259:
(a) The volume, physical and chemical characteristics of the wastes to be disposed in the waste pile, including their potential to migrate through soil or to volatilize or escape into the atmosphere.
(b) The attenuative properties of underlying and surrounding soils or other materials.
(c) The mobilizing properties of other materials co-disposed with these wastes.
(d) The effectiveness of additional treatment, design or monitoring techniques.
History: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 670.019Specific feasibility and plan of operation report information requirements for incinerators. Except as ss. NR 664.0340 and 670.019 (5) provide otherwise, owners and operators of facilities that incinerate hazardous waste shall fulfill sub. (1), (2) or (3).
(1)When seeking an exemption under s. NR 664.0340 (2) or (3) (ignitable, corrosive or reactive wastes only), one of the following must be provided:
(a) Documentation that the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in subch. D of ch. NR 661, solely because it is ignitable (hazard code I) or corrosive (hazard code C) or both.
(b) Documentation that the waste is listed as a hazardous waste in subch. D of ch. NR 661, solely because it is reactive (hazard code R) for characteristics other than those listed in s. NR 661.0023 (1) (d) and (e), and will not be burned when other hazardous wastes are present in the combustion zone.
(c) Documentation that the waste is a hazardous waste solely because it possesses the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity or both, as determined by the tests for characteristics of hazardous waste under subch. C of ch. NR 661.
(d) Documentation that the waste is a hazardous waste solely because it possesses the reactivity characteristics listed in s. NR 661.0023 (1) (a), (b), (c), (f), (g) or (h), and that it will not be burned when other hazardous wastes are present in the combustion zone.
(2)Submit a trial burn plan or the results of a trial burn, including all required determinations, according to s. NR 670.062.
(3)In lieu of a trial burn, the applicant may submit all of the following information:
(a) An analysis of each waste or mixture of wastes to be burned including all of the following:
1. Heat value of the waste in the form and composition in which it will be burned.
2. Viscosity (if applicable), or description of physical form of the waste.
3. An identification of any hazardous organic constituents listed in ch. NR 661 Appendix VIII, which are present in the waste to be burned, except that the applicant need not analyze for constituents listed in ch. NR 661 Appendix VIII, which would reasonably not be expected to be found in the waste. Identify the constituents excluded from analysis and state the basis for their exclusion. The waste analysis shall rely on appropriate analytical methods.
4. An approximate quantification of the hazardous constituents identified in the waste, within the precision produced by appropriate analytical methods.
5. A quantification of those hazardous constituents in the waste which may be designated as POHC’s based on data submitted from other trial or operational burns which demonstrate compliance with the performance standards in s. NR 664.0343.
(b) A detailed engineering description of the incinerator, including all of the following:
1. Manufacturer’s name and model number of incinerator.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.